Awaas ki Awaaz

A very warm welcome to this Newsletter !

It is for you, the residents at Awaas, to read and hopefully enjoy! 

You are invited to make it your own! 

You can contribute to it in many ways, with stories, with pictures, with jokes and with your ideas!  I will start it off and you can continue it ! 

 This newsletter is about, and for, the residents of Awaas Seva Sadan.  However, it may even be read by people in England who want to know what I do in when I come to India! Your friends and relations outside Awaas may also like to read it.Eventually  I would like this newsletter to be written and managed by you, the men and women who live in Awaas. I know, from the stories that many of them wrote  for me last January, that they have many and various talents.  With a little help and support  I am sure they will  gradually succeed in producing their very own Newsletter.  For those readers who are not familiar with Indian languages and names 'Awaas' translates as a residence, home, place or accommodation. 'Seva' means service  or help and 'Sadan' translates as house.  Locally this residential home for senior citizens is known as 'Awaas'  


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