Don't cast a clout till May be out.
Here in the UK the weather is gradually becoming warmer but, with our island position, surrounded by sea, there can be sudden spells of wintery weather. Last week the thermometer reached 24C. This week Scotland had snow and Northern Ireland had minus 5 degrees last night. Last week we had temperatures in the 20's yet yesterday the thermometer here in my town it did not climb above 14 C and I feared that the night would be below freezing.
In winter and spring we have to wear warm coats and sweaters, and gloves and it is tempting to change to summer clothes when the sun shines and the temperature rises. However, we must remember that sudden cold winds and frosts can come at any time. Hence the proverb of the blog title. 'Clout' means clothing, 'May' is debateable, as some people think it means the month of May and others think it refers to the blossom of the May tree, which comes in April!.
The climate of this country is very variable and hardly two days are the same. Strong cold winds attack us from Russia and warm wet winds come across the Atlantic ocean from central America. Some days bring warm winds from Spain and on others the cold north wind comes to chill us from the Arctic. There can be bright sunshine on the coldest days of winter, but it gives no heat to the earth. British people talk a lot about the weather, just because it is so changeable! Before you get dressed you look out of the window to see what the weather is like!
In my lockdown isolation I decided that I should try a little self sufficiency and make space to grow some vegetables among my flowers. My daughter Karen, who is able to go out wearing a mask and observing the 2 meter rule, bought me some Runner Bean seeds and Rocket seed. Rocket is a small salad leaf and runner beans are long green pods that form on plants that grow around 2 meters high. You may have heard the children's story of Jack and the Beanstalk, in which Jack climbed up the beanstalk to a land with a giant and a goose that laid golden eggs. Beans don't like frost so I brought their pots into my kitchen and today I will plant them among the roses that climb up metal obelisks. It will be very crowded and jungle like as I only have a very small garden and love to fill it with plants. I should be eating Beans in July and Rocket next week!
I hear that Ashok is keeping you well supplied with some very good films to watch and that Kavita Madam gave gifts of washing materials to the staff. Sainath is keeping you informed via white and black boards. You very kindly celebrated my birthday and Ashok's birthday and probably a religious festival or two!
It's weighing day today and I wonder if you are all keeping or loosing weight as you wish.I wonder if Mr Abhyankar is still playing badminton every day. Ashok is his new partner. Are the walkers still taking their turns around the orchard? And is Bisham still doing his 100 rounds of the corridors and stairs? I have been eating butter and chocolates and have gained a few kilograms which I am trying to loose with exercise videos on You Tube. Prem is keeping me supplied with quizzes via WhatsApp and I am pleased to get messages and pictures from several of you. Mother's Day brought me greetings from many old Indian friends as I was known as 'Mummy' to many of my staff in my leprosy work days..
Keep busy and happy, be careful and strong!
God bless you all and every good wish
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